Setting and Meeting/Exceeding Goals


 Welcome to my site. I’m Trevor, and I have several things I would like to accomplish with this site. I want to document the process of trying to complete a monumental task. I want to be held accountable - both by myself and by others. I set an initial goal to hike all 48 4000 foot peaks in the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire. I’ve always enjoyed camping and hiking, but have never looked to do something of this magnitude. I needed something to strive towards. This goal is something I know for a fact that I can complete, but it will not be easy. I will show all the successes and failures along the way. Hopefully more successes! I have 3 kids, and live 2+ hours from most of these trails. So this isn’t going to be an easy task. But nothing worth doing is ever easy. If you want to accomplish something bad enough, it’s time to stop making excuses and get after it.
